Wednesday, 22 August 2018

What are the Types of Network Topology?

The Different Types Of Network Topology

Point to Point Topology- This network is the simplest layout for any network, and it is pretty easy to visualize.

Linear Bus Topology- A type of network topology in which each device is connected one after the other in a sequential chain.

Star Topology- Is one of the most common network setups. In this configuration, every node connects to central network devices, like a hub, switch, or computer.

Ring Topology- A network configuration  in which device connection create a circular data path. Each networked device is connected two others, like points on a circle.

Mesh Topology-  A network set up where each computer and Network device is interconnected with one another, allowing for most transmissions to be distributed, even if one of the connectors go town.

Hybrid Topology- A type of network topology that uses two or more different network topologies. This topologies include a mix of bus topology, mesh topology, ring topology, star topologyand tree topology.

What are the types of Computer Network?

Different types of Computer Network

PAN(Personal Area Networks)Is a computer network used to interconnect devices centered on an individual workplace.

LAN ( Local Area Network) is a type of computers and associated devices that share o common communications linear wireless link to server.
MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network) Is a large network than LAN. It involves connecting several networks together that reside within a city, town or metropolis.
WAN (Wide Area Network) Is a simply a network consisting of Interconnected LAN's. It is usually dispersed over a very wide area, and it is not uncommon to link office networks with one another in several International branch of pieces.